Hi, I'm Natalie. I'll be a mom one day, but I'm not a mama yet!  

I've always had a serious passion for maternal health and wellness, and understanding child development and the family unit.  I seek out information all the time, follow tons of accounts on social media that focus on these topics, and my friends are regularly weirded out by how much I know on a subject that otherwise seems pretty far removed from my current life.   I've always known I want to be a mom though, so I've always wanted to know more to feel more prepared when that time comes.   There is a lack of focus on our lives before we decide to have children and there is so much to consider before we get to that point, which is what inspired this blog.   

My hope is to create a space for people without kids who want to learn more about what they can be doing now in preparation for that future time when they become a parent.   I am on a journey, just as much as the next person, and I am nowhere near where I want to be, so I'm excited to open this up and hopefully build a community of people from all different backgrounds who are on their own unique paths.  We can all learn so much from one another and then pass that on to our children.    

I'm always open to requests and personal questions so please visit the contact page to reach out and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter (below) and follow along on Instagram!  

Thank you for stopping by Not A Mama Yet
