Karalynne Call of Just Ingredients

Today on the podcast, I am speaking with Karalynne Call of Just Ingredients. You’ll hear her amazing story going from a suicidal depression diagnosis to being on no medication today. She explains why and how she eliminated health-disrupting ingredients out of her life and her family’s life and how you can get started too.  She also breaks down the labels we are all bombarded with everyday, Organic, Non-GMO, USDA Organic, and what they really mean. I highly recommend following her on Instagram, checking out her blog and her new line of products you know only have the best ingredients! I hope you enjoy this week’s episode! 

Karalynne’s Website | Instagram: @just.ingredients

Today on the podcast, I am speaking with Karalynne Call of Just Ingredients. You'll hear her amazing story going from a suicidal depression diagnosis to being on no medication today. She explains why and how she eliminated health-disrupting ingredients out of her life and her family's life and how you can get started too.

Nicole Jardim a.k.a The Period Girl

Today on the podcast, I have the pleasure to be speaking with Nicole Jardim, aka The Period Girl! Nicole’s mission is to help women in their 20s and 30s reclaim their hormonal health and feminine vitality naturally. Nicole is a certified Women’s Health Coach and the creator of Fix Your Period, a series of programs that empower women to reclaim their hormone health using a method that combines simplicity and sass. She is also the host of the Period Party podcast! We discuss sex education in the United States, how parents can support their kids when it comes to periods and birth control, and how anyone with a uterus can adjust their lifestyle to support their cycle.

Nicole’s website | Instagram: @nicolemjardim

Today on the podcast, I have the pleasure to be speaking with Nicole Jardim, aka The Period Girl! Nicole's mission is to help women in their 20s and 30s reclaim their hormonal health and feminine vitality naturally.

Vanessa Van Edwards

Today on the podcast, I’m sharing my conversation with Lead Human Behavior Investigator from Science of People, Vanessa Van Edwards. Vanessa is a national best-selling author and on her website and YouTube channel she shares tangible skills to improve interpersonal communication and leadership, including her insights on how people work. She’s developed a science-based framework for understanding different personalities to improve our EQ and help us communicate with colleagues, clients and customers. We discuss finding a career path, how to work on a partnership before kids, and her invaluable tips and tricks to make being a new mother a little easier!

Vanessa’s website | YouTube channel | Instagram: @vvanedwards | Personality Test | Lily Nichols’ Blog

Today on the podcast, I'm sharing my conversation with Lead Human Behavior Investigator from Science of People, Vanessa Van Edwards. Vanessa is a national best-selling author and on her website and YouTube channel she shares tangible skills to improve interpersonal communication and leadership, including her insights on how people work.

Ara Katz

Today on the Not A Mama Yet podcast, I am speaking with Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Seed, Ara Katz. Ara is on a mission to revolutionize the probiotics industry and overhaul the public conversation around microbiome health. Along with her team at Seed, Ara is pioneering the inquiry, application, and communication of microbiome science to improve human and planetary health.  We discuss some of the ways bacteria can help improve our daily lives in our bodies and on our planet.

Don't forget to use the code NOTAMAMAYET at seed.com for 20% off the first month of your Daily Synbiotic!

Seed.Com | Ara’s Bio | Daily Synbiotic

Today on the Not A Mama Yet podcast, I am speaking with Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Seed, Are Katz. Ara is on a mission to revolutionize the probiotics industry and overhaul the public conversation around microbiome health. Along with her team at Seed, Ara is pioneering the inquiry, application, and communication of microbiome science to improve human and planetary health.

Melissa Chan, ND RM

This week on the Not A Mama Yet podcast, I had the pleasure to speak with Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor & Midwife Melissa Chan. With a specialized focus in fertility, obstetrics and female health, Melissa aims to address and treat the root cause of illness and disease and create healthy lifestyles all through research-driven integrative medicine. Today you’ll hear about her very interesting path to becoming a midwife and how she is bringing all of her past experience into her practice. Melissa has dedicated her career to finding the best of the best in health.  Hopefully you find this episode as interesting as I did! Her career path alone was so cool to hear about. Enjoy!

Melissa’s Website | Instagram

This week on the Not A Mama Yet podcast, I had the pleasure to speak with Toronto-based Naturopathic Doctor & Midwife Melissa Chan. With a specialized focus in fertility, obstetrics and female health, Melissa aims to address and treat the root cause of illness and disease and create healthy lifestyles all through research-driven integrative medicine.

Angela Setters Bessard

This week on the podcast, I am speaking with Angela Setters Bessard, Founder and CEO of Conquer Credit Management, Inc, who is known as a pioneer in the credit industry. With a passion to help people understand how to leverage their credit as a tool to create wealth and attain financial stability, Angela has continued to educate consumers and change lives daily for more than 25 years.  Angela and I discuss her story emancipating herself at 16 years old and how she established a successful life and career since then.  We get into the nitty gritty about credit, building wealth, how to manage debt, and credit cards!

Angela’s Bio | Conquer Credit Management

This week on the podcast, I am speaking with Angela Setters Bessard, Founder and CEO of Conquer Credit Management, Inc, who is known as a pioneer in the credit industry. With a passion to help people understand how to leverage their credit as a tool to create wealth and attain financial stability, Angela has continued to educate consumers and change lives daily for more than 25 years.

Lea D’Auriol of The Oceanic Global Foundation

Today on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am speaking with Lea D’Auriol, the Founder and Executive Director of Oceanic Global. Oceanic Global honors humanity’s essential relationship to our ocean by empowering behavior that protects our ocean’s health and, in turn, our own. They raise awareness for the devastating effects of human consumption on our aquatic ecosystems, and work with leading scientists, conservationists, artists, and industry experts to drive positive change.  They believe that our choices matter, and that with each choice we make, we have the power to create change because every being on this planet is oceanic and we are all connected to our ocean, and our ocean connects us all. 

Oceanic Global | Instagram | Hubs around the world

Today on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am speaking with Lea D'Auriol, the Founder and Executive Director of Oceanic Global. Oceanic Global honors humanity's essential relationship to our ocean by empowering behavior that protects our ocean's health and, in turn, our own.

Dyani Makous

Today on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am recapping my time in Mexico for the past three weeks with my cousin Dyani. I was there as a source of familial support while also gaining invaluable experience for my postpartum doula training. A big part of the episode is going over sleep training and how Dyani did it with her first child and is doing it now with her newborn. We get into the nitty gritty of being a parent and caregiver to two small children, I will warn you now that we do talk about baby poop and vomit, it just comes with the territory so if you get queasy or uncomfortable, this is your heads up! I basically got to go through a three-week bootcamp on parenting and today we are sharing what that was like for both me and for Dyani. If you plan on having kids one day and have a family or close friend having babies, if you can offer any level of support to them I highly recommend it. Learning daily routines, tips and tricks, and even learning what you might not want to do as a parent are all great things to be exposed to.

Dyani’s Non-Profit School | Books we mentioned: Cherish the first six weeks & Becoming Baby Wise

Today on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am recapping my time in Mexico for the past three weeks with my cousin Dyani. I was there as a source of familial support while also gaining invaluable experience for my postpartum doula training.

Anne Hodder-Shipp

Today on the podcast I am sharing part 1 of my conversation with Anne Hodder-Shipp, a sex and relationship coach who also specializes in dreamwork, sex education and dating. In part 1 of 2 we focus on Anne’s background and sex education. You’ll hear us talk about ways our personal experiences with sex and relationships might come through in our conversations with kids about these topics. We go over how sex education is delivered in the U.S. and how parents can support their children in ways their school might not be.  In Part 2 we get more into her work with adults, breath work, and dream work. Stay tuned for that!

Personal site | Everyone Deserves Sex Education | Instagram

Today on the podcast I am sharing part 1 of my conversation with Anne Hodder-Shipp, a sex and relationship coach who also specializes in dreamwork, sex education and dating. In part 1 of 2 we focus on Anne's background and sex education.

Dr. Rohan Nagar

Dr. Rohan is an Ayurvedic doctor based in the UK and has practices in the throughout Europe and India. He is also a visiting professor of Ayurveda in Holland, Germany and Croatia. As a globally recognized Ayurveda consultant, Dr. Rohan is proud of many of his achievements, but one of his most notable achievements is the pulse diagnosis he developed to identify a patient's dosha type.  The Health Minister of India presented him with an award for his research on liver disorders and he was a collaborator on a “How to cure Diabetes through Ayurveda” research program with a professor at Oxford University. He also has a PhD in astrology and lectures throughout the world on both Ayurveda and Vedic astrology. Today we are going to talk about how Ayurveda can help with hormone management, infertility, and during pregnancy and postpartum.

Dr. Rohan's website

Today on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am speaking with Dr. Rohan Nagar. Dr. Rohan is an Ayurvedic doctor based in the UK and currently planning his move out to Los Angeles to open up a clinic for consultations and other services which I am very much looking forward to.