Wine & Gyn Series: Q&A on Women’s Health, Fertility, and Egg-Freezing


Wine & Gyn: An Evening With Two Of New York Presbyterian's Top Women's Health Doctors (Part 1)


Last month, I had the chance to attend an incredible event at a friend's home in NYC. A group of women who don’t have children were invited to ask any of their burning questions to two top doctors from New York Presbyterian who specialize in women's health.  There was Zev Williams, MD PhD, who is the Chief of the Division of Reproductive Endrocrinology and Infertility, and Mary Rosser, MD, PhD, who is the Director of Integrated Women's Health. 


Wine & Gyn: Fertility (Part 2)


For Part 2 of 3 for the Wine & Gyn event with Dr. Zev Williams and Dr. Mary Rosser of New York Presbyterian, I'm going to highlight the topic of fertility. In a room full of young women, we definitely had plenty of questions about fertility. We probably could have kept those doctors going all night. Next week, I'll go into egg freezing, which was another topic of discussion that we were very curious about. 


Wine & Gyn: Egg Freezing (Part 3)


For the final Wine & Gyn Event recap, I’m sharing all of our questions about egg-freezing. Egg-freezing originally inspired the event and definitely became the most interesting topic of conversation because we don’t hear much about it unless we’ve seen a doctor as interested patients or if we know someone who has gone through it. I have been talking to some friends recently about fertility and egg-freezing and we all felt similarly that this can be a really scary topic to bring up with our doctors. Learning about our own fertility could lead to undesirable results, which can be terrifying to think about if having kids is really important to you.


Wine & Gyn Part 2: Women's Health And Wellness


I’m so excited to share the second installment of the Wine & Gyn series that covers women’s health, fertility, egg freezing, and more. This post covers women’s health and wellness questions that were answered by Dr. Mary Rosser, Dr. Zev Williams, Dr. Brianna Ruddick, and Dr. Paula Brady from Sloane Hospital for Women at New York Presbyterian.  Dr. Rosser’s specialty is Obstetrics and Gynecology and Dr. Williams specializes in Fertility, specifically recurrent loss. Dr. Ruddick is a Reproductive Endocrinologist within the area of third party reproduction and same-sex couples, and Dr. Brady specializes in egg-freezing. We were very lucky to have all four specialists in attendance to answer any and all of our questions to gain some clarity on sometimes confusing subject matter.


Wine & Gyn Part 2: Fertility


Fertility is tricky subject because it is so specific to each person. From our lifestyle to our genetics, there is no silver bullet that will answer our personal questions without going in to see a doctor. I hope some of these questions and answers help you gain some clarity!


Wine & Gyn Part 2: Egg Freezing


Egg-freezing is becoming increasingly common for women in their 20s and 30s to be thinking about these days. This is a follow up to this post from a few months back with more questions and answers about the process. If you’re thinking about freezing your eggs, I hope this brings you clarity on the subject!