Dr. Amanda Cohen, M.A., L.A.c., D.A.O.M

Today on the podcast, I am speaking with Dr. Amanda Cohen, a Board Certified Chinese Medical Physician (L.Ac.) who is passionate about helping her patients achieve optimal well-being. My best friend, Madison Young, Owner of Open Eye Crystals here in Los Angeles, and the reason I was fortunately introduced to Dr. Amanda, is also joining us for our conversation! The three of us will be discussing, as Dr. Amanda calls it, preparing the palace, aka getting our bodies ready for pregnancy.  Madison and I have plenty of questions for Dr. Amanda, including what she is doing herself to prepare her body for pregnancy as well! Most importantly, this episode is full of information that should help you ask the right questions to your care team when seeking out help navigating this time as well.

Dr. Amanda’s website  | Dr. Amanda’s High Priestess Healing Course

Today on the podcast, I am speaking with Dr. Amanda Cohen, or Dr. Amanda as her patients call her! Dr. Amanda is a Board Certified Chinese Medical Physician (L.Ac.) who is passionate about helping her patients achieve optimal well-being. She holds a Master's and Doctoral Degree from Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine, specializing in Integrative Medicine.

Getting In The Flo with Dr. Amanda Cohen: Supporting our cycle by understanding our hormones

This week's episode is Part 2 with Dr. Amanda Cohen! We are taking a look at "In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life" by Alisa Vitti. We are both big fans of Alisa Vitti's work. Her story is incredible and Flo Living, her company that supports women balance their hormones and change their life for the better by feeling better! I was first introduced to her work in late 2017 and it changed my life. I understood my body and how I can support it on a much deeper level then I ever had before.  Highly recommend every person with female physiology to listen to this episode. Below are all of the links to the books we discuss in this episode and Dr. Amanda's contact information!

In the FLO | The Woman Code | Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers | Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms?

Dr. Amanda’s website | @sourcepointwellness | @doctoramandacohen

This week's episode is Part 2 with Dr. Amanda Cohen! We are taking a look at "In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life" by Alisa Vitti. We are both big fans of Alisa Vitti's work.

Laura Lynne Jackson: Psychic Medium on Spirit Babies, Pregnancy Loss, and Receiving Signs from your Team of Light on The Other Side

Today on the podcast, I am honored to be speaking with Laura Lynne Jackson. If you are unfamiliar with her work, let me have the pleasure of introducing you to her! Laura Lynne Jackson is a Psychic Medium. She can feel, hear and see people who have crossed over to the Other Side, among many other abilities she shares with the world. She is a Windbridge Certified Research Medium, one of 17 in the United States, at the Windbridge Institute which is dedicated to conducting world-class research on phenomena currently unexplained within traditional scientific disciplines.  She is also one of 25 certified mediums who offers their time at the Forever Family Foundation, working to protect the continuity of the family, even though a member has left the physical world. She has read for hundreds of people and connected them with loved ones who have crossed.  If you haven’t had the chance to read her book Signs, I highly recommend it.  Her first book The Light Between Us is next on my list. She was also recently on the show Surviving Death on Netflix which I binged and thoroughly enjoyed.

In this episode, you’ll hear about connecting with your spirit baby before pregnancy, grieving while pregnant and parenting, and Laura's book Signs. Every story she recounts in this book is mind blowing. We discuss the first sign I asked for (hint: I asked and I received!) and who is on our Teams of Light.  You might even be connected to your role model if they have crossed!  

www.lauralynnejackson.com | @lauralynnejackson | Her books Signs and The Light Between Us

Today on the podcast, I am honored to be speaking with Laura Lynne Jackson. If you are unfamiliar with her work, let me have the pleasure of introducing you to her! Laura Lynne Jackson is a Psychic Medium. She can feel, hear and see people who have crossed over to the Other Side, among many other abilities she shares with the world.

Talia Caldwell: Building community, playing professional basketball overseas, and starting the Echo Park Fund

This week on the podcast, I am sharing one of my favorite episodes with one of my favorite people, and my birthday twin, Talia Caldwell. Talia and I attended middle and high school together and have been friends ever since. I have been lucky enough to be around one of the most impressive, kind, open, intelligent, and loving people for almost 20 years. I cherish any time I get to spend with her when she isn’t overseas playing professional basketball. On this episode we talk about community. How it shapes us, how it impacts us, and how we develop long lasting, meaningful relationships throughout the different seasons of our lives. Talia is endless wisdom in my opinion. In 2020, she started the Echo Park Fund supporting the unhoused in the Echo Park community with necessary resources. The continued success of the Echo Park Fund is a reflection on the impact she has had on so many people and spaces in Los Angeles. In my opinion, we need about 6 billion more people like Talia and this world would be a better place.

5 Fifths Culture | Her NY Times Article | Instagram | Twitter | Echo Park Fund , Venmo @EchoParkFund to support! | Article about Talia & The Echo Park Fund

This week on the podcast, I am sharing one of my favorite episodes with one of my favorite people, and my birthday twin, Talia Caldwell. Talia and I attended middle and high school together and have been friends ever since.

Kristen A. Rossi, MSEd, IBCLC: Breastfeeding, lactation support, and avoiding booby traps!

Today on the podcast I am sharing an amazing, super educational conversation about breastfeeding with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Kristen A Rossi. We talk about preparing for breastfeeding even before giving birth, the benefits of skin to skin after birth, a baby’s first feed, physiological scenarios that might impact breastfeeding, the truth behind lactation cookies and how to increase milk supply naturally, eating schedules, pumping and dumping, colic, and so much more!

Instagram | Facebook | TikTok | www.krlactation.com

Today on the podcast I am sharing an amazing, super educational conversation about breastfeeding with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Kristen A Rossi. Kristen has her Master of Science Degree in Education and has training in Maternal & Infant Assessment, as well as the core areas of lactation.

Aziel Rogers: Skin care at home, SPF'ing the right way, and cycle syncing your facials!

This week on the Not A Mama Yet podcast. I am speaking with Aziel Rodgers, the lead esthetician at the Things We Do! She has been my go-to for facials since 2019 and I always leave her feeling so refreshed and my skin is so happy. We chat about when to mask, how to tone, she shares some tips about icing your face and how to facial massage properly too! We talk about brands we both love, the proper amount of sunscreen we should be wearing, which actually blew my mind, and when to get a facial based on where you are in your cycle!

Aziel’s Instagram | The Things We Do

This week on the Not A Mama Yet podcast. I am speaking with Aziel Rodgers, the lead esthetician at the Things We Do! She has been my go-to for facials since 2019 and I always leave her feeling so refreshed and my skin is so happy.

Dr. Siggie Cohen

This week on the podcast, I am speaking with Dr. Siggie Cohen, a Child Development Specialist and Parenting Expert, in some circles even known as The Child Whisperer. We chat about what we can be practicing before having kids on our own and with our partners, how to practice setting boundaries, helping children understand their emotions and flex their emotional muscles, taking care of yourself as a parent so you can be a better parent, the step parent and step child relationships and how to navigate that. We also talk about how to manage kids being bored and time using technology, adjusting your expectations to fit your child, not trying to adjust your child to fit your expectations, and then we get into a couple of questions from people in my network about limiting the tantrums when kids don’t get what they want and establishing those roles of parent and child where authority is understood while having mutual respect between parent and child.

Instagram | Facebook | Dr. Siggi’s Website

This week on the podcast, I am speaking with Dr. Siggie Cohen, a Child Development Specialist and Parenting Expert, in some circles even known as The Child Whisperer. I had the pleasure too connect with Dr. Siggie and we covered so many topics in this episode, I learned so much.

Kiara Orbe: How her health journey led her to a career helping women navigate their own health

This week on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am speaking with Kiara Orbe of Kiara Marie Wellness. Kiara is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and currently receiving her certification as a Root Cause Consultant to help her clients dig even deeper into different protocols.

Kiara's Website | Instagram | Kiara's Podcast

This week on the Not A Mama Yet Podcast, I am speaking with Kiara Orbe of Kiara Marie Wellness. Kiara is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, and currently receiving her certification as a Root Cause Consultant to help her clients dig even deeper into different protocols.

Kristen Rossi

This week on the podcast, I am sharing an amazing, educational conversation about breastfeeding with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Kristen A Rossi. We talk about preparing for breastfeeding even before giving birth, the benefits of skin to skin after birth, a baby’s first feed, physiological scenarios that might impact breastfeeding, the truth behind lactation cookies and how to increase milk supply naturally, eating schedules, pumping and dumping, colic, and so much more! We cover ALOT and barely scratch the surface.

Kristen’s Instagram | How to Boobie your Newbie Course

Chazz Lewis

Today I am speaking with Mr. Chazz Lewis. Mr. Chazz helps parents and teachers with their children. If you are already following him on Instagram, you know how enthusiastic he is to help parents, caregivers, and teachers so many great tools to break generational cycles and, in his words, SEE, GUIDE, and build TRUST with children.

Chazz’ Instagram | Patreon | Mr. Chazz's Leadership, Parenting and Teaching Podcast