Not A Mama Yet "Podcast": Episode 6

This week’s episode of the Not A Mama Yet “Podcast” is with Danielle Cuccio! Danielle is the CEO of her brand Cuccio Somatology, she is a private yoga Instructor, and runs her website, The Beauty Blender, where she brings you beauty, wellness and happiness all in one place.

I had the pleasure of first meeting Danielle through work last year and we have become fast friends.  I was so excited when she agreed to be on the podcast as she had recently shared the news of her pregnancy with the world and I wanted to sit down to talk about her experience getting pregnant and her pregnancy so far! In our conversation, we talk about Danielle’s career and how she got into the beauty and wellness space, she shares her experience getting pregnant from the different doctors she saw, her fertility questions, the procedures she had to go through, and more. I’m so thankful Danielle was willing to share everything she went through to get pregnant because so many women go through a similar experience or may have to one day if they decide to have a baby, so it’s important we share our stories while educating and supporting one another too.

I hope you enjoy this episode of the Not A Mama Yet podcast!

This week's episode of the Not A Mama Yet "Podcast" is with Danielle Cuccio! Danielle is the CEO of her brand Cuccio Somatology, she is a private yoga Instructor, and runs her website, The Beauty Blender, where she brings you beauty, wellness and happiness all in one place.

My main takeaways from this episode are:

  • Vision boards can be powerful in helping you set intentions for what you want!

  • You always have to be on top of your care and advocate for yourself because doctors are overwhelmed with patients and things can get lost in the shuffle, even though they shouldn’t!

  • Finding the right doctor is so important. Ask around, get advice, and find the right person who is giving you the level of care you need.

  • While someone you know is going through infertility struggles, just being there is the most important thing to do for them. Letting them know it will happen at the right time is probably not what they want to hear when they are doing everything they can to get pregnant.

  • Going off birth control isn’t always a seamless process and if you have been on it for 5+ years, it could take a long time to get a regular period again.

You can find Danielle at the links below:

I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did! It was definitely one of my favorites to record because I find this topic most interesting and relatable for a lot of women. From going off birth control to dealing with a slew of doctors, I feel like a lot of women can hear a piece of our story in Danielle’s. Next week on the podcast, I’m sharing a conversation with Kerry Buzzell, Director of Alliance of Moms, a membership-based program that supports pregnant and parenting teens in foster care in Los Angeles County.

Thanks for listening!
