Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 13

Episode 13 feels like a particularly special episode. I had the pleasure of interviewing Pamela Hunt. If you have heard of the book Spiritual Midwifery or The Farm in Summertown, Tennessee, you may have heard of her. In the 1970s, Pamela was part of a caravan of eighty school buses that went across the United States led by Stephen Gaskin. Stephen was a teacher in San Francisco when his writing class evolved into a discussion group that grew to have 1500 students in attendance each week. A lot of the hippies in attendance made up the caravan and their mission was to save the world! As women became pregnant and started to give birth during their trip, Pamela and a group of a few other women including Ina May Gaskin, Stephen’s wife, fell into the role of the midwives assisting in the deliveries.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 12

I don’t remember how I stumbled upon Embrace Race, but I am so happy I did. If you are not familiar with it, it is a multiracial community of parents, teachers, experts, and other caring adults who support each other to meet the challenges that race poses to our children, families, and communities. We welcome your participation.  I reached out to the Co-Founders Melissa and Andrew because I believe that while the work they are doing is invaluable for people who already have kids, people who don’t can still benefit greatly from their platform.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 10

For this episode of the Not A Mama Yet podcast, I spoke with my cousin Andrew Wasser who is a Mindfully based Marriage Family Therapist.   Andrew’s approach to Psychotherapy is helping his clients discover and process their unhealthy patterns and finding new ways to change or alter them. Andrew has several years of diversified experience and specializes in families, couples and individuals with addiction, divorce, parenting and family crisis issues.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 9

Yesterday was Mother’s Day, so I thought today would be a perfect day to share Episode 9 of the podcast featuring Kira Cook. My cousin is a close friend of Kira’s so when she let me know that Kira and her husband were fostering to adopt, I was interested to speak with her and learn more about that process. Adopting has always been something I have thought about doing one day. Our global population is growing at such a rate that we aren’t totally sure how we are going to feed the number of people projected to live on this planet in the coming decades.

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Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is this weekend. No matter who you are and what your relationship is with this holiday, there is no doubt that being a mother or caregiver takes a lot of strength. I have been lucky to grow up around so many strong women and mothers who I look up to, so Mother’s Day for me is a reminder of what those maternal figures have done to impact my life. As a child, I saw my mom work from home so she could be with us when we got home from school while also having a career. I saw my grandma start over in a new state after her divorce from my grandpa, which took a lot of courage at 70 years old.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 7

Today’s podcast guest is Kerry Buzzell, the Director of Alliance of Moms, a membership-based program that supports pregnant and parenting teens in foster care in Los Angeles County. Kerry was born and raised in San Pedro, CA, by two parents who were civil servants in Los Angeles. From a young age, she has been exposed to the inequalities in our community and was always encouraged to help underserved Angelinos.

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