#GivingTuesday and Why I'm Supporting The Barrio Planta Project

After all of the crazy shopping and sales that Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday bring, Giving Tuesday is the last of the four days surrounding Thanksgiving asking people to spend a little bit more money or time for causes important to them. It’s a time to be thankful for all that we have, our health, family, a place to spend the holidays with people we love, and we can’t forget to always pay it forward in any way we can.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 14

This episode of the Not A Mama Yet podcast features Green America’s Climate & Recycling Director Beth Porter. Beth is the author of Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine: Sorting Out the Recycling System and through her work she has helped thousands of individuals and businesses live and operate more sustainably. Beth has spearheaded many campaigns that identify the waste of resources and energy in varying sectors and has authored comprehensive reports of proposed solutions. She loves to help people find answers to their recycling questions and try new ways to reduce waste, which is why I wanted her on the podcast!

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 12

I don’t remember how I stumbled upon Embrace Race, but I am so happy I did. If you are not familiar with it, it is a multiracial community of parents, teachers, experts, and other caring adults who support each other to meet the challenges that race poses to our children, families, and communities. We welcome your participation.  I reached out to the Co-Founders Melissa and Andrew because I believe that while the work they are doing is invaluable for people who already have kids, people who don’t can still benefit greatly from their platform.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 10

For this episode of the Not A Mama Yet podcast, I spoke with my cousin Andrew Wasser who is a Mindfully based Marriage Family Therapist.   Andrew’s approach to Psychotherapy is helping his clients discover and process their unhealthy patterns and finding new ways to change or alter them. Andrew has several years of diversified experience and specializes in families, couples and individuals with addiction, divorce, parenting and family crisis issues.

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 3

This week’s episode is featuring my good friend of 15 years, Sara Rajo Miller (and today happens to be her birthday!!). She grew up living all over the world in Germany, Israel, London, and Mexico, before moving to Los Angeles at the age of 12. I remember when I first met her, I could not believe she had already lived in all of those places and I had lived in the same house for pretty much all of my life. Growing up, her parents, who are both foreign correspondents, taught her that life is all about relationships and, as a result, she developed an affinity to interacting with different people early on. She fell into wealth management after a college internship at a stock analysis company, Miracle Mile Advisors, and never left!

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Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 2

For this episode of the Not A Mama Yet “Podcast”, I’m speaking with Laura Ellis.  As a student of the well known Institute for Psycho-Structural Balancing, Laura was trained in the energetics of the human body including Aromatherapy, Polarity Therapy, and Sensory Repatterning.  She originally started her intuitive training in 1995 with Jim Self where she learned how to read the Aura. She then went on to further her education in the healing and intuitive arts training in Los Angeles, where she was certified in various subjects such as Master Crystal Formations, Transcrystal Therapy, Reiki, Akashic Records and Advanced Channelling. Laura is a certified Crystal Therapist and Teacher, Reiki Master, Multimodality Healing Practitioner and Intuitive Reader.

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