#GivingTuesday and Why I'm Supporting The Barrio Planta Project

After all of the crazy shopping and sales that Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday bring, Giving Tuesday is the last of the four days surrounding Thanksgiving asking people to spend a little bit more money or time for causes important to them. It’s a time to be thankful for all that we have, our health, family, a place to spend the holidays with people we love, and we can’t forget to always pay it forward in any way we can.

Ten years ago, my cousin Dyani started a school in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The Barrio Planta Project (BPP) empowers children and youth in Latin America through free supplementary schooling that instills creativity, enhances confidence, facilitates international communication, and develops critical thinking skills.  I have volunteered at the school over the years and I have seen how their students benefit from access to this education. They are learning about subjects they might never have been exposed to otherwise, opening up the possibilities of what these students can dream of becoming one day. BPP is now in Nicaragua and Mexico spreading their vision of a world where local communities are able to leverage the growth of dynamic, emerging industries into economic and educational opportunities for their children, youth, and families.

This year, for their Dream Big Holiday Campaign I am fundraising $1000 for one student’s tuition for the upcoming school year. This covers the cost of supplies, transportation, teachers, and more.

BPP ashly headshot.jpg

Meet Ashly.

She is a 12-year-old student in San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua. Ashly is outgoing and respectful, making her a great mentor for younger students. She likes to sing and play volleyball, and is taking the following classes at BPP: English, Environmental Sciences, Leadership, Computer, and Entrepreneurship. Like many of BPP’s students, Ashly has a big dream. She wants to be a surgeon when she grows up. This would make her the first in her family, not to mention help her provide a better life for her family.

Ashly is definitely bright enough to be a surgeon. However, even at age 12, she struggles with anxiety over having enough money to continue her studies. While the high school dropout rate near Ashly’s home is high, often due to the cost of travel, Ashly is determined to beat the odds, finish high school, and go on to higher education.

Her dream is driving her high attendance at BPP.

Let’s bring Ashly one step closer to her goal! This #GivingTuesday, sponsor Ashly's education by making a contribution today. (https://bit.ly/2pAHdCb)


UPDATE: We reached and exceeded our goal! Thank you to all who supported this cause. You can always become a monthly sponsor to support these kids throughout their education. Any amount makes a big difference! Click here to learn more.