Not A Mama Yet Podcast: Episode 14

This episode of the Not A Mama Yet podcast features Green America’s Climate & Recycling Director Beth Porter. Beth is the author of Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine: Sorting Out the Recycling System and through her work she has helped thousands of individuals and businesses live and operate more sustainably. Beth has spearheaded many campaigns that identify the waste of resources and energy in varying sectors and has authored comprehensive reports of proposed solutions. She loves to help people find answers to their recycling questions and try new ways to reduce waste, which is why I wanted her on the podcast!

I spoke with Beth about the current state of our planet and what we can be hopeful for, initiatives she has worked on, and what we can be thinking about in our own lives to lower our environmental impact. This episode is very educational and is so helpful in understanding recycling better. Enjoy!!

This episode of the Not A Mama Yet podcast features Green America's Climate & Recycling Director Beth Porter. Beth is the author of Reduce, Reuse, Reimagine: Sorting Out the Recycling System and through her work she has helped thousands of individuals and businesses live and operate more sustainably.

My main takeaways:

  • Learn how to recycle properly! 

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle: There is a reason recycle comes last! Reduce and reuse are so important and we must focus on less waste before anything else!

  • Our spheres of influence vary. For example, I am just one person who can put in the work in my own home. A government official is also just one person but their sphere of influence is much greater because they can support laws that either help or hurt our planet.

  • When moving and cleaning out your home, buy second hand, find used boxes for packing, and check out to find what people might be giving away in your area. Make sure you dispose of any electronics in the best way and use to find vetted businesses to buy from for other products you can’t buy second hand.

You can find Beth here:

Thank you for listening to this episode! What was your main takeaway?
